The skull of young Mammuthus trogontherii (Pohlig, 1885) from the early Middle Pleistocene of the north-eastern Sea of Azov Region

The skull of young Mammuthus trogontherii (Pohlig, 1885) from the early Middle Pleistocene of the north-eastern Sea of Azov Region

Baigusheva V.S., Matishov G.G., Titov V.V.

P. 61-67

Incomplete skull of a young elephant with dP4 and a fragmentary tusk were found in the alluvial deposits exposed in a sand pit near the settlement of Kagalnik. The age of the enclosing deposits correlates with the early Middle Pleistocene, the time range of the Tiraspol faunal complex of the Eastern Europe (= Cromerian), and the regional rodent biochron MQR 5. Two skeletons of Mammuthus trogontherii have been previously found in this area. The dental structure of the studied specimen evidences its attribution to M. trogontherii and demonstrate its difference from other taxa of mammuthoid elephants.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.17.2.01

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