The ISACC heritage

The ISACC heritage

Searle J.B., Hausser J., Zima J., Fredga K., W?jcik J.M., Volobouev V.T., Bulatova N.S., Nadjafova R.

P. 123-167

This article marks the coming of age of the meetings organised by the International Sorex araneus Cytogenetics Committee (ISACC). These meetings have continued every three years for 18 years. This paper complements the published proceedings for six of these meetings. It brings together in one place the contents lists of all those proceedings, the lists of delegates for all the meetings and all abstracts of posters and talks that were not published in the proceedings. Together with the proceedings this paper represents the heritage of ISACC.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.6.2.01
