New form of rhizodont voles (Rodentia, Arvicolinae, Clethrionomyini) from Pleistocene of Central Altai (Russia)

New form of rhizodont voles (Rodentia, Arvicolinae, Clethrionomyini) from Pleistocene of Central Altai (Russia)

Serdyuk N.V., Tesakov A.S.

P. 79-83

Lower beds of multi-layered Paleolithic site of the Ust’-Kan Cave yielded a heterogeneous material of small mammals containing a characteristic Early Pleistocene association. Along with molars of typical early Biharian forms, few remains of a very hypsodont clethrionomyine vole have been encountered. This form shows weakly differentiated enamel, high dentine tracts, lacks mimomyian characters, and has sparse cement. The combination of characters permits its interpretation as a late rhizodont stage of one of phyletic lineages of modern high mountain voles of the genus Alticola. It shows some similarities with the flat-sculled vole, A. strelzowi. The new form is described as a new genus and species, Altaiomys ustkanicus gen. & sp. nov.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.5.2.05

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