Enigmatic bilophodont molariform tooth from the Eocene of Central Russia

Enigmatic bilophodont molariform tooth from the Eocene of Central Russia

Averianov A.O., Yarkov A.A.

P. 55-57

A partial upper molariform tooth from the Upper(?) Eocene of Srednyaya Akhtuba, Volgograd Province, is described. The tooth is characterized by an incipient bilophodont structure with paracone and metacone placed extremely labially and almost without the labial cingulum. The tooth is compared with the members of mammalian orders Rodentia, Perissodactyla, Embrithopoda, Proboscidea, and Sirenia having the bilophodont dentition. It is most similar with the teeth of extinct sea cows of the family Dugongidae and may belong to this group.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.5.2.01

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