Skull of the Pleistocene brown bear (Ursus arctos) from Yakutia, Russia.

Skull of the Pleistocene brown bear (Ursus arctos) from Yakutia, Russia.

Baryshnikov G.F., Boeskorov G.G.

P. 71-75

A skull of the robust brown bear found in the mouth of Ulakhan-Orto-Stan River in the north of Yakutia has been examined. Its morphometrical characteristics referred the specimen to the subspecies U.arctospriscus Goldfuss, 1818 recorded in the later Middle and Late Pleistocene of Europe. This find revealed the wider distributional range for U.a.priscus, extending eastward as far as the northern part of East Siberia.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.3.2.04

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