A 12-year population study of the reed vole (Alexandromys fortis) (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Khonin Nuga, West Khentei, Mongolia

A 12-year population study of the reed vole (Alexandromys fortis) (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Khonin Nuga, West Khentei, Mongolia

Tserendavaa P., Erdenechimeg E., Hackländer K., Samiya R., Sheftel B.I., Undrakhbayar E., Nomin A., Muehlenberg M.

P. 142-149

The reed vole Alexandromys fortis is a small herbivorous species primarily inhabiting open meadows in northern and central Eurasia. While the reed vole population in Mongolia is classified as least concern, there are limited information available about this species. To address this knowledge gap, a survey was conducted in the Khonin Nuga region of West Khentey, along the Yeroo River in Northern Mongolia, to assess the physical characteristics and population structure of reed voles. Over the course of a 12-year study, the reed vole population exhibited significant oscillations. Notably, the species demonstrated strong sexual dimorphism, with males consistently displaying larger size than females among all individuals measured. Furthermore, an imbalanced sex ratio was observed, with a greater number of males present both in the captured individuals (male-to-female ratio of 1.19:1) and the adult samples (male-to-female ratio of 1.45:1).DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.22.2.07

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