Late Middle Pleistocene small mammals from south-east of Western Siberia

Late Middle Pleistocene small mammals from south-east of Western Siberia

Malikov D.G., Golovanov S.E.

P. 1-15

The present paper fills the gap in the Middle Pleistocene fossil record of small mammals in the southeast of Western Siberia. We describe small mammals faunas from localities of the second half of the Middle Pleistocene. Faunal remains were derived from alluvial deposits from three geological sections in the Cis-Altai Plain. The small mammals localities occupy a clear stratigraphic position between the deposits of the lower Middle Pleistocene and the loess-paleosol deposits of the Upper Pleistocene. We describe a rich faunal association of the post-Vyatkinian (=post-Tiraspolian/post-Cromerian) appearance. The fauna is dominated by steppe species of small mammals, Spermophilus sp., Lagurus lagurus, and Stenocranius gregalis. The evolutionary level of small mammal fauna is in good agreement with stratigraphic structure of geological sections. The most probable age of this fauna is the first half of the late Middle Pleistocene (MIS 11-9). The steppe lagurine and the narrow-headed vole morphology are in good agreement with this dating. Open steppe landscapes were reconstructed for the studied faunal localities.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.22.1.01

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