New data on the Holocene history of the rodent fauna in the Pre-Uralian Subarctic (the Chernyshev Ridge, northeastern part of European Russia)

New data on the Holocene history of the rodent fauna in the Pre-Uralian Subarctic (the Chernyshev Ridge, northeastern part of European Russia)

Kryazheva I.V., Ponomarev D.V., van Kolfschoten T., van der Plicht J.

P. 82-93

In this paper we present the results of the study of rodent faunas from five cave localities in the Chernyshev Ridge located along the Usa and Sharyu Rivers, dated to the Early Holocene, the Late Holocene and “historical” (subrecent) time intervals. The changes in the fauna are correlated with regional alterations in climate and related shifts in the vegetation. Early Holocene faunas consist mainly of forest and intrazonal species; however, there is still a significant portion (10–13%) of tundra species. Late Holocene assemblages are also dominated by forest and intrazonal species but tundra species are less abundant (2.5%). The most recent rodent fauna of the taiga zone in the Chernyshev Ridge area, dated to the last decades, as well as the modern regional fauna, lacks tundra species and consists of forest and intrazonal rodent species.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.21.1.10

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