Current population status of yellow-throated marten Martes (Charronia) flavigula in Russia

Current population status of yellow-throated marten Martes (Charronia) flavigula in Russia

Oleynikov A.Yu., Yudin V.G., Salkina G.P., Sedash G.A.

P. 63-69

We introduce data on the past and current status of yellow-throated marten Martes (Charronia) flavigula in Russia. We examine distribution and abundance of the species based on camera trap data from protected areas of the Russian Far East. Over the past 40 years, the number of yellow-throated marten decreased two-fold, from 3000 to 1500 individuals, and the geographic range decreased by a quarter. Reduction and fragmentation of the species’ habitat was most noticeable in the Amur River region, while in the southern Primorsky Krai the population status is favourable. The yellow-throated marten has disappeared in three of 11 protected natural areas in the south of the Russian Far East. The relative abundance index according to a study using camera traps for the yellow-throated marten ranged from 0.14 to 0.25, and the average group size was 1.4 individuals. Population harvest and other potential threats are discussed, recommendations for species conservation in Russia are provided.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.21.1.07

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