Records of Bison priscus Bojanus (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) skeletons in Western Siberia

Records of Bison priscus Bojanus (Artiodactyla, Bovidae) skeletons in Western Siberia

Shpansky A.V., Svyatko S.V., Reimer P.J., Titov S.V.

P. 100-120

Two skeletons of Bison priscus Bojanus skeletons are described from Pleistocene localities of Grigorievka (Irtysh River, Pavlodar Region) and Krasniy Yar (Ob River, Tomsk Region), south-east of West Siberian Plain. The skulls and postcranial skeletons of these individuals are compared with skulls and large sample of limb bones from the same localities, and with archival data from other sites in Western Siberia. The study showed that the skeletons belonged to individuals of different sex and geological age. The individual from Krasniy Yar has been determined as an old female with a geological age of 45 ka. The skeleton from Grigorievka apparently belongs to a male and it originates from the beginning of Middle Neopleistocene deposits. Long bone dimensions have a large overlap in males and females. Most suitable for sex determination are measurements of the relative diaphyseal width of radius, tibia, and metacarpals.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.15.2.04

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