Inherited dental anomalies in the horse (Equidae, Equus caballus)

Inherited dental anomalies in the horse (Equidae, Equus caballus)

Spasskaya N. N.

P. 17-26

Under consideration are different kinds of congenital dental anomalies in the domestic horses. It is shown that such anomalies are more frequent in the native breeds horses as compared to the cultivated breeds. Some anomalies, in particular false polidontiya of P1, are detected more often in younger animals, which is explained by possible loss of extra tooth during the animal’s life. Frequency of occurrence of dental anomalies is shown to increase in isolated groups, for example, in Iceland and in island of feral horses, as a result of inbreeding.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.13.1.03

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