Camelids do not occur in the Late Miocene mammal locality of Cobanpinar, Turkey — omissions and contradictions

Camelids do not occur in the Late Miocene mammal locality of Cobanpinar, Turkey — omissions and contradictions

van der Made J., Morales J.

P. 39-40

A critical response to the small article by Sen (2010) discussing the validity of a report of camelids from the Late Miocene locality Cobanpinar, Turkey.DOI: 10.15298/rusjtheriol.12.1.04

  • Made J. van der, Morales J., Sen S. & Aslan F. 2002. The first camel from the Upper Miocene of Turkey and the dispersal of the camels into the Old World // Comptes Rendus Palevol. Vol.1. P.117-122.
  • Made J. van der, Morales J., Sen S. & Aslan F. 2003. Camelidae (Artiodactyla) // Fortelius M., Kappelman J., Sen S. & Bernor R.L. (eds.). Geology and Paleontology of the Miocene Sinap Formation, Turkey. New York: Columbia University Press. P.328-331.
  • Sen S. 2010. Camelids do not occur in the late Miocene mammal locality of Зobanpinar, Turkey // Russian Journal of Theriology. Vol.9. No.2. P.87-91.